Linear multi time-window earthquake slip inversion with k^
Suite of codes for linear slip inversions and resolution analysis.
Capabilities of the codes:
- Inversion of provided data for a given (possibly segmented) fault geometry
- Resolution analysis by means of synthetic tests with prescribed target rupture model or slip-rate pulse model
- Inversion in-depth analysis by means of spectral analysis of the forward matrix G
- Can take advantage of Intel MKL library and/or CULA (GPU) for faster performance
- Plotting the results
Possible data types for inversions:
- Seismic waveforms including processed HR-GPS
- Static GPS vectors
Implemented regularizations of the inversion:
- Truncated SVD
- Spatial k^
-2 prior covariance function - Positivity constraint on the slip rate functions
Included codes for evaluation of Green's functions:
- Axitra (full-wavefield in 1D layered media)
- Okada (static displacements in homogeneous halfspace)